The Kamala Harris Economic Plan

Readers know that I lean conservative in the context of the literal interpretation the Constitution. What’s written there and what isn’t. Normally I shy away from being overtly obvious in support of any political party... Read More

Free Speech – The Basis of Democracy

Free speech is excessively individualistic. Free speech must be balanced against equity. Those are some of the arguments we hear from those who are against it. Last week’s blog addressed the vernacular of many in... Read More

What Happened to the Individual?

(This is an encore of the blog published September 5, 2021.) You are unique. You and I and everyone have exclusive DNA to ourselves. In addition to that and other genetics, we have different physical... Read More

News is an Endangered Species

"Inquiring Minds Want to Know" That old adage is one the writers of our Constitution expected of the writers of the daily, weekly, and periodic news publications of the time. They understood that informed voters... Read More