Common Sense

How did we allow the government to tell us stuff we knew did not make sense – and we complied with our reticence?

How did we get to a point in our culture and logic where we remained silent in the face of foolhardy balderdash?

How did we allow those toxic people in our society to threaten us to the point of restraint when we might question or express skepticism about redefining and changing basic, undisputable facts?

For example: males can get pregnant. Here’s a quote from the Well-Wisp website: While biological males cannot become pregnant, discussions around gender identity complicate this subject further. Transgender men—individuals assigned female at birth who identify as male—may retain their reproductive capabilities if they haven’t undergone certain surgeries or hormonal treatments. Consequently, some transgender men can conceive if they still have functioning ovaries and a uterus. This reality emphasizes that gender identity isn’t solely tied to biological sex. Society’s evolving understanding of gender has led to broader conversations about family planning and reproductive rights for all individuals, regardless of their assigned sex at birth.

So, interpreting the gobbly-gak word salad above, a biological female who thinks she’s a male can get pregnant. Ergo, men can get pregnant.

First of all, the best guesstimate of “transgenders” is that there’s one half of one per cent of people in the US of one gender who feel like they are the other gender. I have no problem with anyone who thinks they are the opposite gender from their birth. I also have no problem with anyone who thinks they are the reincarnation of Genghis Khan.

Where I, and I assume ‘we,’ have a problem is when we’re expected to think that a transgender male is not a woman.

Think about it. We need a 2025 Presidential Executive Order to confirm that there are two sexes – male and female.

Common sense.

It’s the ability to exercise logical judgment. It is the most obvious and practical course of action that most reasonable people would take in any given situation.

Fact: Biological males are generally stronger with more stamina than biological females.

Knowing this, our Congress added to our civil rights laws what’s now commonly called “Title IX” which requires schools and colleges to provide as many athletic opportunities to females as they do for males.

The Biden administration reinterpreted Title IX to allow transgender women (biological males) to compete with females in sports activities. Common sense screams that that interpretation is fundamentally unfair to women athletes and was not the intent of the law.

Common sense.

Allowing 10-15 million illegal immigrants to cross our country’s borders without vetting and by simply uttering the word ‘asylum’ is not a logical border policy.

Common sense.

Hiring and/or promoting individuals (employees) based on their skin color or sex or sexual orientation, and ignoring those who have the desired talent, ability and determination is not logical if the employer is interested in success.

Common sense.

Tolerating employees who do not come to work at the designated place of operations is not logical if production is important. Apparently, it wasn’t important to the last administration as yet again we need an EO to get federal employees to come to work.

Going further. Freedom of speech is a constitutional right for US citizens. Censorship, or the redaction of speech, flies in the face of that right. Some of our self-appointed, political elite tell us they need to protect us from misinformation and disinformation by limiting that right to those they would determine as not worthy of free speech.

Free speech and popular agreement are not mutually exclusive. I have the right to express my opinion and disagree with the opinions of others without suppression.

BTW, did you notice the use of the terms ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ were never used to shut down expressions until in recent years?

But I digress.

To sum it up, the point is simple.

We, the people, have hopefully learned the lesson.

For a short time we mistakenly allowed – by our silence – some people to tell us we did not have the basic ability to perceive, to understand, and to judge things without any specialized knowledge.

In other words, the” woke” enacted their contentions and perceived our silence as agreement. A mistake on their part.

Just like we know not to touch a hot stove, or hammer our thumb, we know there are two sexes, that borders define countries, and that landing a job means we go to work.

We know common sense when we see people exercise it, and when people don’t.


Have a great and prosperous week.

Hug somebody.
