Lies, Lies, Lies

Maybe Americans are getting used to it. Expecting to be lied to. It’s become that routine.

Call me an exception to the rule. I not getting used to it. This, among other new, social mores also says if a lot of people (want to) believe a lie it makes it true.

This new rule also carries with it an expected acceptance of a double standard. If you’re ‘woke’ and/or a member of the self-appointed elite in the country, it’s OK if you lie. If you’re not – and you lie, you’re dirtier than mud. For example, it’s a crime to lie to Congress and the FBI. Yet we know former CIA Director John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress. As critics of Donald Trump, they got a pass. General Michael Flynn, Trump’s National Security Advisor for 22 days, lied to the FBI and was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Let’s review a few of the bigger lies we’ve been told.

George Floyd’s death on May 25, 2020, at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer was but one example of rampant police killing of blacks. It was/is a lie. The media supported riotous protesters after Floyd (who was resisting arrest) died at the hands of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin The protests and subsequent so-called social justice-based riots, arson and looting had no basis in fact. We know from FBI stats in 2019 the nearly 700,000 police officers killed 38 unarmed people. 13 were black, 25 were white. Those numbers don’t support the lie – a lie that became a worse myth resulting in the “defund the police” BS.

January 6, 2021, the US witnessed an “insurrection.” In the aftermath, 25,000 military troops were dispatched to defend the Capitol behind razor wire fence set up to protect the Congress from another potential “violent uprising against the government.” (The quotes represent the definition of the word insurrection.) It wasn’t an insurrection; it was a stupid protest against what those people felt was a less than fair election. The head of the Capitol police asked for but was denied by Congressional leaders national guard help days before – which would have stopped the breach of the Capitol. No protester was armed with ‘assault’ weapons or any firearms – a pretty dumb move by ‘insurrectionists.’ One person was shot and killed, a protester by a Capitol police officer and we still don’t know who did it and why. Was it a bad occurrence? Yes. Was it an insurrection? No. A related lie was Trump instigated it.

Election laws requiring voter ID are discriminatory against blacks. The vast majority of people of all political persuasions, races, genders, etc. support IDs to vote. Give an ID to all those citizens who supposedly can’t prove who they are. It’ll make their lives a lot easier in many ways. This is a lie not looking for the truth.

COVID-19 was generated by a Wuhan wet market, not the bio-lab in the same city. Initially, wearing a mask provided no real protection. Oops, then, everyone must wear a mask. You must wear a mask even after being vaccinated in order not to further spread the disease. Lies.

Send hospitalized seniors with COVID to nursing homes to make hospital beds available for the ‘surge’ and ‘second surge.’ Lockdown all stores, shops, restaurants, sporting events and health clubs to stop the spread. Exceptions are grocery stores, dollar stores, liquor stores, Loew’s and Home Depot and other “essential” retailers. I could go on. The lies and misinformation had/have the population scared as hell and perplexed as to what is/was truth and lies.

Climate change is resulting in oceans flooding coastal areas, more hurricanes, cyclones and severe storms, wildfires, droughts, electricity shortages – and the surge in illegal immigration. We must rid ourselves of the use of fossil fuels quickly or be responsible for Armageddon. It’s the greatest existential threat to the country. It’s not supported by data. It’s a lie.

When climate change is not the greatest “existential” threat to the country, white supremacy is. We have all these white supremacists running around that represent dangerous domestic terrorists. We have yet to hear who they are – and I don’t think we will, because it’s a lie.

“Diversity is our strength.” Equity – racial and gender quotas are more important than merit regardless of training, expertise, talent and experience. Equality in the U.S. is based on racism. 1619 is the year this country was founded, and all whites are privileged with most unconsciously racist. All white government and corporate employees must admit to their racism via required ’diversity, inclusion and equity’ training. Teach our children critical race theory so they know the real history of America and understand what a terrible country this is. Lie.

All but white males are victims. Lie.

We can solve the surge of violence in the streets by passing more restrictive gun control laws, focusing on gun stores and removing (confiscating) guns from the general population. Dumb lie.

We have a moral obligation to allow any and all immigrants into the country and be treated as citizens. Immigration laws should not be enforced, ICE and Border Patrol should be defunded and eliminated, and Congress should sit this one out.

We can believe and trust everything the FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA and all other alphabet intelligence agencies say and do. They can surveil all communications by and between all US citizens to keep us safe. Unconstitutional lie.

Transgender females (biological men) should be allowed to compete with born females on the playing field because their brains tell they’re female.

Political parties are more important than people. In America, it’s a really bad lie.

There are no limits on political correctness or cancel culture, and they can be imposed on anyone, anywhere at any time for anything done or said at any time.

“Twitter trends” are the pulse of what most Americans are thinking and represent the ‘news.’ Media supports this lie.

We can trust the media to tell us the truth. Further, their fact-checkers and those of social media companies weed out the lies for the rest of us.

Lies, Lies, Lies.

Truth is no longer associated with facts or science. It’s whatever our self-appointed elite class tells us and what the social media mob – living in their pajamas – is saying.

Unfortunately, the lies presented here are but the tip of the false iceberg.

I remember when honesty was a valued character trait.

We can only trust honest people, not the liars.


Have a great and prosperous week.

Hug somebody.



Jeff Bezos apparently had a great time last week, spending 10 minutes in weightless space. Who knows? It might just be a forerunner to the ultimate tourism trip for others down the time road. Pretty cool. His company, Blue Origin, developed a state-of-the-art rocket for the excursion. It might be a ride our grandchildren will take at Disneyworld in the future. A reminder again the private sector can do much more than government. Understandably, some liberal politicians are unhappy about the success.

“Heroic” Texas House Democrats apparently brought their own gift to the WH – COVID. Good job, guys. Making a memory. While there, they might try to get the President to rescind his January EO putting a halt to federal land being leased to oil and gas companies for energy – which many Texas Democrats oppose.

The Summer Olympics began in Tokyo Friday. How many records will fall after so many athletes spent a year in various stages of COVID lockdown/quarantine?

COVID is something we need to start to live with. The current news often is about the uptick in cases. What we don’t hear is new cases dwarf the January numbers – and that includes children. We should not be surprised or alarmed that it’s affecting children and younger adults more now -as a percentage of new cases. Why? Because most of the older folks have been vaccinated. The threat of death is almost nil for those younger demographics without other medical conditions. Let’s be cautious but move on, please. The pandemic is over if the vaccines are as effective as we’re told. If not, let’s hear about that.

A report last week indicates the Biden administration has spent $2B thus far to not build the wall on the southern border. The money has primarily gone to contractors, hired by the DoD under Trump, for suspension and termination costs. A lot of wall could have been built and illegal immigration mitigated with that money instead of having nothing to show for it.

Nancy Pelosi’s “January 6th Commission” to investigate the storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021, is now a one-Party group, with Republican in-name-only, Liz Cheney, being the exception. It’s just as well, the “Commission” is a political exercise to start with.

The massive “infrastructure’ bill remains stalled in the Senate. It needs to stay that way until all further entitlements are removed. Let those sections stand on their own in another bill. Limit it to real infrastructure if now is the time for it.