My Biggest Pet Peeves

I don’t lose any sleep because of anything on the list and/or the comments that follow. There’re just things that when I see or hear them, I consider them annoying and irascible.

Your list may include other things. But here’s mine.


  1. Traffic Weavers

Vehicle drivers who weave through traffic – trying to get ahead of me before we all stop at the next traffic signal. Why is apparently so important to some that they would put themselves, but especially others with whom they’re sharing the roadway, at risk of life and limb?

  1. Loud Music in Cars and Motorcycles

Some people drive their vehicle with their radios blaring. They apparently assume you and I want to hear the rapper they’re playing.

  1. Drivers Who Don’t Use Their Turn Signals

It’s a close call often when that driver in front of me suddenly slams on the brakes to turn without signaling. The danger is hitting the non-signaler in my front – or the vehicle behind me hitting my rear end before they can slow down.

  1. Tailgating

Not the kind that happens frequently before football games, but the kind where the driver behind you is on your bumper. It’s not only annoying, but dangerous to my health.


  1. Jammed Garages

Some people park their cars in the driveway because their garages are stacked and full of other things. Maybe they’re hoarders but at least shut the door! It’s a neighborhood eyesore.

  1. Talking on the Cellphone in Public

Some folks are so dependent on their phones they can’t put them down regardless of where they are. I’m not interested in where you are when in you’re in the check-out line at Walmart.

  1. Check-out Delays

People checking out of a store and can’t seem to find a credit or debit card that works.

  1. Randomly Abandoned Shopping Carts

Most stores with parking have cart corrals. You are not so busy or important that you can leave that cart anywhere – in parking spaces or halfway on nearby curbs,

  1. Lawyer Ads on TV

The injury business is obviously a big one. Our TV channels have so many ads by law firms focused on suing others- especially insurance companies – that I sometimes think I should sue somebody.

  1. The One-upmanship Conversation

These are people who when I might tell them something that happened to me – they can’t wait to tell me their experience and how it tops mine.

  • Being Put on Hold

I punch all the numbers to get through the phone tree and finally get through, then being put on hold for an eternity while every minute a recorded message relays how important my call is to them.

  • Slow Golf Play

I dislike playing with – or watching someone in the group ahead – who routinely takes 5 or more practice strokes each time before hitting the ball poorly.


  • When I Know Someone is Lying

The biggest culprits are politicians who tell us something and there’s blatant evidence the opposite is true. Examples: the southern border is secure and passing a bill “to reduce inflation” when it will do just the contrary.

  • Riders on Bills

Riders are things added to a bill having no connection with the intended subject matter or title of the bill. Pork is back in Congress and it’s infuriating.

  • Negative Campaign Ads

Rather than telling me who you are and what you stand for, you use paid time to excoriate your political opponent. I don’t want to hear it from you.

  • Presidents Who Overuse/Overextend Executive Powers

Executive orders were meant to allow a president latitude in setting the expectations for federal employees and operating the federal government. They were never meant to allow the president to significantly affect the economy or to spend money without Congress approving it. My peeve is presidents constantly pushing for more power while Congress does nothing to exercise its oversight power and responsibility.

  • Federal Office Holders Who Forget Their Oath.

Every elected official in Washington and every member of the military takes an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. When presidents or cabinet members do not enforce the law as written it is a violation of that oath. When laws are extended beyond their intent it’s also a violation of their oath. That bothers me a lot.

  • Wholesale Illegal Immigration

The policies of the current administration have created chaos at our southern border. Legal immigration allows about 1 million foreigners to get green cards annually. We’re allowing more than double that illegally.

  • Bureaucrats Running the Government

Congress gives too much discretionary power to career bureaucrats who come up with off-the-wall regulations with no Congressional oversight.

There, I feel better.


Have a great and prosperous week.

Hug somebody.


Hope you had a chance to thank and/or honor a veteran Friday.

The mid-term elections Tuesday did not produce the “red wave” some prognosticators were predicting. While votes are still to be counted in some states, the apparent new majority in the House was enjoyed by the Stock markets.

In Florida the election saw a strong Republican win, led by overwhelmingly re-elected governor Ron DeSantis. He even won the Democratic stronghold of Miami-Dade County over challenger Charlie Crist.

The Labor Dept. announced an October over October inflation rate of 7.7%. That’s down a measly .5% from September. Food and gas continued their inflationary ways while used cars came down slightly.